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Professional Training

The profession of household management has evolved significantly over the last three decades. The paradigm of “domestic workers” and butlers within a household is different now and so are the demographics of the clientele that have private service professionals in their home or estate. Today, household management is a profession and with any profession, you should expect formal, disciplined training.

If you are an employer in Private Service, you are automatically in the business of household management. And isn’t this business important? After all, we are talking about the professionals that interact with you and your family on a daily basis! Investing in the people that you rely on to take care of yourself and your family is worth it’s weight in gold! You have an agenda, and your staff should be on it! You have household and culinary preferences, and your staff should deliver to it! You think a certain way and your Staff should learn to think like you do!

Any household position can receive formal private service training that will ultimately enhance your service experience and enhance your quality of life. BEST offers formal and structured training for your staff that is specific to you and your home. We remove the drama with household management, we reduce staff turnover, we structure consistent private service techniques, and we enhance the quality of service that your staff currently provides.

The trainers at BEST are industry experts and have trained over 600 household management professionals. The individuals within your home providing service are professionals, and if you want a material improvement in the way your staff performs private service, you should invest in career development opportunities to improve their core skillset.

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