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Food for Thought

Providing Culinary Service in the private home or across multiple estates is not an easy task! There are specific needs and preferences for individuals, their children, and any special event that is hosted in the home. Although there are many chefs that would like to enter private service, an additional skillset must be acquired to provide high quality, customized service.

A restaurant chef is very different than a private service chef. In private service, there is an art to match the families’ “flavor profile” and dietary needs to the structure and planning of daily, weekly and special event menus. It is not always about cooking gourmet meals – it is about catering to the culinary needs, wants and desires of the Principal and their family. Furthermore, there is a unique balance and flow of service within the private home. The chef needs to understand how to coordinate and collaborate with other service professions within the home or estate to offer on-time meals at the desired location, and in a service manner that best fits the family.

At BEST, we focus on the service experience. Our training includes, but is not limited to: planning menus, identifying dietary needs and restrictions, understanding flavor profiles of family members, planning the daily routines and schedules of the Chef and special event culinary planning. BEST training is effective for first time private service chefs, as well as tenured private service chefs, and our focus is to enhance the quality of life for those individuals receiving any type of culinary service within their home or estate.

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