November 9th - 11th
Hilton Garden Inn | Thornton, Colorado
$1,699 per person (Beverage Service & Lunch Provided Daily)
9:00am - 4:00pm Daily
LIMITED TIME OFFER - Save $500 when you enroll by
October 23rd * $1,199 per person.
This 3-day certification course is designed to teach housekeeping professionals the "Business of Private Service". Attendees will be trained on elements of professionalism and will also receive hands-on training for housekeeping technical skills. We will present the BEST cleaning philosophy, cleaning methods and the development of an overall housekeeping plan. Course curriculum highlights are listed below:
Professionalism in Private Service
Position Descriptions
Household Etiquette & Personal Presentation
Cleaning Task Sheets
Communication & Boundaries
"Your Role" & Daily Work Schedules
Housekeeping Technical Skills
Bed-making Techniques & Turndown Service
Proper Cleaning Techniques
Cleaning Closet Organization
Proper Laundry Procedures
Care of Fine Bed Linens
* Make checks payable to Bullock Estate Service Training and mail to:
6139 Ivanhoe St | Commerce City, CO 80022 or
Venmo payment to: @Debra-Bullock-4
Contact us at 303.946.3426 or
info@bullockestateservices.com with any questions.